Friday, January 2, 2009

The Good News About Forex Automated Trading

The Good News About Forex Automated Trading

I’ve received positive and negative feedback from a lot of you who have experienced forex automation. I don’t want to talk about the bad news quite yet. So what’s the good? Unfortunately, the good news mostly involves available API’s for developing your system and brokers that support automation. I haven’t heard of many success stories relating to forex automated trading. Here are some recommended API’s and brokers and some comments on whether I will explore them further.
Interactive Brokers has a free C++, Java, and .NET API. The C++ API does not come highly recommended from the one trader I received an email from but the API’s are free. He also goes on to say that, “Interactive Brokers is also good from a fund safety point of view, given they are one of the bigger brokerages. Commission is very cheap and they basically offer anything you can trade.” This seems to be the best option I’ve seen and definitely worth exploring further.
Another trader recommended Varengold Bank for trading via Metatrader. He says that he has “yet to find anything to come close to their service utilizing the Metatrader platform.” Varengold Bank is a German bank and has regulatory oversight by the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Agency. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of experience with brokers or regulatory agencies outside of the United States yet this may be worth exploring if Metatrader is the platform of choice.
Interbankfx with Metatrader comes recommended also. A trader who just recently started using IBFX states, “I just started live automated trading this week… They seem to be very EA friendly and come highly recommended.”
MB Trader comes recommended due to their “well documented API and you can develop and test your system on their demo servers for free. MB Trading is a relatively well-known firm inside the United States so this could be yet another option worth exploring.
Ninja trader comes recommended and could be a “good option that allows for testing and development for free.” It’s also broker independent supporting Gain Capital, Interactive Brokers, MB Trading, and more. I like options and with the multiple brokerage support, I may look into Ninja Trader further.
Other options include FXCM’s FSS or Forex system selector. Based on what I’ve read though, you really can’t design your own system. You can select from their own designed forex systems. I don’t see the benefit to this at all.
FXTraderLink provides a facility for automatically trading your account based on signals from a portfolio of signal providers. I don’t want to rely on a signal provider to “provide” me with wealth plus I don’t trust them. I’m not a big fan.
I haven’t even begun to explore any of these options yet but I will regardless of the bad news I’ve received from others. Is it possible to make money with forex automation? Unfortunately I cannot answer this. I’ve had a tough enough time making money manually trading but at this point, I’d like to try something else

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